So how thin can I make a beautiful piece of felt ?

Many years ago I went to a workshop by Lisa Klakulak. The big take away for me was how the thin or thick fibre layout affects the quality of the final felt.  In my mind, this is called layout density.   The thinner felt layout shrinks more and is stronger hence the name of Lisa's website - Strongfelt.  So what you are thinking.  Well, I want to make thin felt.  In fact, thin white felt.  I want to make thin but cosy , light and comfortable wraps.  The white felt will act as a foil for my naturally dyed fabrics. This thinking process reminds me of the great care Lisa took in the starting thickness of the felt she was making. I started with 4mg of fibre/ cm2.  My wrap size is big so this means a total of 60g of fibre.  At this density, it’s very hard for me to lay out…


What can a felter do when they break their elbow ?

Cry ?  Well it might come to that yet.  Last Friday it was a beautiful day , cold and sunny. The first day when there hadn’t been snow, lashing rain or ice for three weeks. So we decided to go cycling. A big big mistake. Less than 5 km from home I gently slid to the ground on a patch of black ice. Was I OK? I wasn’t sure. Certainly, my face and my arm hurt. I gingerly cycled home and contemplated my injuries. Did I need an X-ray? …. or just ice packs and rest. Eventually, we decided I needed an X-ray, and I was driven to our local urgent care centre. With all COVID precautions in place, and no other patients, I was quickly diagnosed with a fracture to the head of my radius. Treatment sling for 4 - 6weeks. Well, it could have been worse it could have been…

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