Felt and dye fibre tests

Felt and dye fibre tests

I have had on my to do list for a long time to test soy, flax and jute.  By test I mean , felt them and the dye the felt and see what happens.  This week I eventually got round to some testing.

I actually tested sisal,linen top, flax, jute yarn , cotton knitted yarn and nettle.  I am not sure where the soy fibres have got to in the confusion resulting from my move.  One day they will turn up.
First I made prefelts with the fibres.  Here is a sample cut from each prefelts which have been made with Blue faced Leicester fibres.

At this stage the different fibres are quite hard to see , but I hoped that with dyeing they would become more visible.  I  decided to do my test with  onion skins.  Simple to do and  I love the colour .


Sisal and linen , still very hard to see the fibres.   Onion has taken really well on all the fibres


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Flax and jute

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Cotton and nettle.

Interesting experiment , with some , nice textures and subtle , very subtle colour changes.



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