Stocking up 

Stocking up 

Over the last few months I have been foraging and collecting and stocking up on materials I can use for dyeing in the future.  Whilst walking I have been picking up lichen that has been washed off the trees by the rain and now have a small collection of two varieties.  I have still to research what colours these will yield.


I found some fallen down tree branches and collected some silver birch bark .  I am hoping this will give a beautiful pink colours.


Both in the UK and in the Netherlands , I have found is very easy to collect alder cones especially after all the heavy rain we have been having.  These can be used as a mordant , or a dye.  Only a few months ago I don’t think I really knew what these were. !


I harvested some young bracken shoots and some dock leaves , which I have dried.  They don’t look very inspiring any more but hopefully will give green and browns.


I have really enjoyed slowly collecting these materials and I am planning to collect berries and fruits in the next few months. Lots of dyeing to look forward to 🙂








This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ahhhhh a real “kruidenvrouwtje” (herb lady) ha, ha, ha
    Hope you get good colours Jane !

  2. Thanks Els “Kruidenvrouwtje “what I nice word. I hope I get good colours too.

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